Hair Loss Treatment

Losing your hair is now optional, and can be prevented thanks to science. The trick is to act before it’s too late. Over 90% of individuals see results within 3 to 4 months of using prescription-based treatment.

Subscribe to our hair loss service for R150 p/m with medical aid or from R250 p/m without.

1. Complete a health assessment

Decide what’s right for you and complete a quick, private medical assessment

2. Consult with a Partner Doctor online

Meet online with one of our licensed Partner Doctors to discuss your treatment options

3. Free delivery to your door

Your medication ships FREE to your home in discreet packaging

Our Offering

Subscription Service

Medical Aid


Topical, Oral or Full-works Package

Prescription Fees

Doctor Fees

Free Delivery

Prescribed Medication


From R340/pm

Full-works Package

Prescription Fees

Doctor Fees

Free Delivery

Prescribed Medication



Oral Package

Prescription Fees

Doctor Fees

Free Delivery

Prescribed Medication



Topical Package

Prescription Fees

Doctor Fees

Free Delivery

Prescribed Medication

Don’t let hair loss ruin your confidence.

Our convenient subscription service takes the hassle away and saves you up to R1200 a year.

Need help determining which service is for you?

Check out our handy guide here.

The hair-raising truth

Hair loss (alopecia) typically affects just your scalp and it can be temporary or permanent. The causes can be genetic, hormonal, related to other medical conditions or simply just a normal part of ageing. Hair loss affects both men and women, and thanks to science there are now ways to treat, prevent and stop it.

Male hair loss is treated by the use of clinically approved and effective chronic medication, in the form of either a daily pill or topical solution. For the most effective results ideally both treatments are used in combination.

Female hair loss is treated by the use of clinically approved and effective chronic medication in the form of a topical solution applied to the affected areas of the scalp. This solution is odour free, non-sticky, absorbs quickly and is easy to apply.

Hair Loss

How do I know I’m losing my hair?
To determine whether you are losing your hair you have to pay close attention to how and where your hair is thinning. If you notice hair loss on the sides of your temples and around the crown area, you will most likely go bald to some extent. If you are experiencing hair loss in localised patches on your scalp or if you experience a sudden loss of hair, it is more likely a temporary condition caused by stress or illness. A good way to recognise balding is to take pictures of your hair periodically and use physical landmarks (such as freckles) to note how much your hair is receding.
Can I get my hair back?
Prevention is key, it’s much easier to maintain what you have than get back what you have lost. 90% of individuals who use prescription hair loss treatment will retain the hair they have and stop further hair loss. Around 60% will experience some level of hair regrowth, particularly of hair that has only recently stopped growing. It is vest to start treatment early to give you the best chance of significant growth.
Can women use your hair loss treatment packages?
Yes! Female hair loss is treated by a lower dosage of topical solution applied to the affected areas of the scalp. In most women, our treatment offering slows down or stops hair loss, and in up to a quarter of the women who take it, it can actually encourage new hair to grow. It works best when you use it as soon as you notice that you’re losing hair.
How much hair loss is normal?
It’s natural to lose between 120-150 hairs a day. Hair will fall out once it’s reached the end of its finite lifespan of two to three years. It is then replaced with new hair.

If your new hair is thinner and doesn’t grow as much, it can be an early sign of hair loss. This can often be seen at the edge of the hairline with shorter and thinner hairs.

However, if you notice that you have increased and excessive amounts of hair falling out, in handfuls or small clumps, this may be due to a medical condition unrelated to male pattern hair loss. You should seek medical advice from your primary GP or a specialist.

Why do men go bald?
Men go bald due to a genetic condition called androgenic alopecia which causes sensitivity to a male sex hormone called DHT.
DHT can shrink your hair follicles as well as shorten this cycle, causing hair to grow out looking thinner and more brittle, as well as fall out faster. DHT can also make it take longer for your follicles to grow new hairs once old hairs fall out.

Hair Loss Treatment

Can you treat hair loss online?
Yes, an online doctor can treat hair loss virtually. At Contro, anyone over the age of 18 can chat with one of our Partner Doctors about their symptoms and get treatment prescribed and delivered to them from just R150 p/m, if medically appropriate
Does Contro replace my primary doctor?
No, Contro’s service offering does not replace your primary doctor. We save you time and money by offering you a supplementary online delivery and subscription service, and therefore your assigned Partner Doctor does not replace your primary doctor or GP, and is not responsible for your ongoing primary care.
How much does Contro’s hair loss treatment service cost?

Our service fee is R150 per month. This spreads out the cost of your doctor’s consultation and prescription fees over periods of six months at a time. We also provide free delivery within that fee to anywhere in the country.

All customers will pay our R150 service fee each month.

Cash customers will additionally be charged for the cost of their prescribed medication each month. The price of hair loss treatment can vary and will depend on which medication and strength your assigned Partner Doctor prescribes you. The total subscription cost for cash customers is from R250 p/m depending on your prescribed medication.

The total subscription cost for medical aid customers is R150 p/m.

Can I claim through my medical aid?
Yes, but only for your medication costs. Medical aid customers are still required to pay our R150 service fee each month. We are working hard to get the medical aids to cover this service fee.

Our Partner Pharmacy will make the claim for your medication with your medical aid scheme each month. If your claim is unsuccessful we will reach out to you and confirm you are happy to switch to paying privately for your medication each month instead.

If you are unsure whether your medical aid scheme will cover your prescribed medication, or allow you to use your savings to pay for your prescribed medication, please contact your provider.

When and how is my medication delivered to me?
Our Partner Doctors offer consultations Monday – Friday excluding public holidays. We aim to offer you a consultation within 2 business days.

After a successful consultation, your assigned Partner Doctor will produce a repeat prescription for your prescribed medication which is sent electronically to our Partner Pharmacy. Our Partner Pharmacy will contact you telephonically to confirm your details and delivery address, and will make a claim on your behalf if you have provided medical aid details.

Their pharmacy team will prepare and despatch your medication to your chosen delivery address. Once your order has been despatched, delivery time is 1-3 business days.

You will receive an SMS from our Partner Pharmacy to notify you that your medication has been despatched each month. This will contain a tracking number that will allow you to track your medication with the applicable courier service here.

Please note, you cannot change your delivery address once payment has been processed and your prescription has been sent to our Partner Pharmacy for processing.

How am I charged for my subscription plan?

All customers are charged their first month’s R150 service fee at checkout. This is non-refundable. After a successful consultation, cash customers will be charged again for the price of their prescribed medication.

For the preceding months of the subscription, cash customers will be charged our R150 service fee combined with the cost of their medication in a single transaction. The first subscription repeat cycle is shortened to 21-23 days to create a delivery-buffer for the preceding months, thereafter, customers are charged every 28 days for as long as they remain a subscriber.

Medical aid customers are only charged our R150 service fee on each subscription repeat date. As above, the first subscription repeat cycle is shortened to 21-23 days to create a delivery-buffer for the preceding months, thereafter, customers are charged every 28 days for as long as they remain a subscriber.

Customers on our event-based plan can request to pay on the same day each month.

Subscribers may cancel anytime by emailing us at

What can I do if it doesn’t work for me?
You’re welcome to cancel your subscription at any time, however, it can take up to three to four months before you start to achieve noticeable results with our treatment packages.

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